Lakeland Public Relations: Responsible Communication in COVID-19

Lakeland Public Relations: Responsible Communication in COVID-19

Companies have to be responsible to their customers and clients at all times. This is even more important during the Covid-19 pandemic when thousands of businesses suddenly find themselves in limbo. Should they permanently close down? Can they weather the storm? But...
Debunking the Most Common Myths About Lakeland Public Relations

Debunking the Most Common Myths About Lakeland Public Relations

It will shock you how Lakeland public relations is present in your life. Every day, you are inundated by marketing campaigns, advertisements, news items, and public announcements that have PR written all over it. No business or political leader or government or...
Lakeland Public Relations: Is Bad PR Good PR?

Lakeland Public Relations: Is Bad PR Good PR?

We’ve heard it again and again—bad PR is good PR. This means that even with negative publicity, you can still raise awareness about your brand and company. Many companies have done good in converting bad public relations into good PR. By apologizing, reaching out to...