Like it or not, one of the most important parts of any successful Lakeland public relations strategy is knowing how to pitch the right story. The media outlets that run PR stories rely on story pitches to determine if the story that you are pitching is the right fit for the media outlet. 

Because of this, there is a lot of thought and work that goes into a PR pitch, and you have to make sure to get this done properly. But how are you supposed to pitch your stories properly? Read on to learn more about how to pitch a story properly for the benefit of your Lakeland public relations strategy.

Pitching a story is not advertising

One of the most important things that you should always remember when pitching a story for public relations is that pitching a story is not like putting out an ad. 

In a world where ads seem to be everywhere you look, even in your appliances, you have to be very mindful about the context of where you’re going to be pitching your story. It can be very easy to send out as many story pitches as possible, but you have to make sure that your story is aligned with whatever context it needs. 

Be mindful of the media outlet and the location you’re pitching

Speaking of context, you have to make sure that you carefully consider both the media outlet that you’re pitching to and the location of the outlet. Different locations require different contexts, so you need to make sure that your pitch is tailored to the area and the media outlet that you are pitching to. 

It can be very tempting to click “send to all” and wait for someone to decide to use your story, but always be mindful of the media outlet and location of your pitch. If you don’t even take the time to think about the outlet that you’re pitching to, then it is a surefire sign that your pitch will very likely get thrown out. 

Again, your Lakeland public relations story pitch isn’t something that you are supposed to send in like an ad, this is supposed to be a story that media outlets might be interested in running in their channels, which is why you need to take the time to learn about the kind of stories they usually run to determine if yours would be a right fit for their audience.