What could be more difficult for a Lakeland public relations expert than preparing a client to face the media? Not many clients understand just how powerful the media can be in shaping public perception.

If they refuse to accept that media could make or break their company’s reputation, this attitude could severely affect the efficiency of a PR campaign. When it comes to media interviews, preparation is paramount. You can’t face the media without preparing for it.

Communicating the Brand Message

A journalist’s job is to ask questions. They run the interviews. But as a Lakeland public relations expert, you should train your clients on how to answer these questions so their brands’ messages will come through.

Waiting for the journalist to ask the right question is the wrong tactic. The right question might never come. Your clients may not have the opportunity to send the message to their audience. They should make the opportunity themselves. 

Memorizing the Answers

Do not let your clients memorize the answers to the questions. Let them understand the questions and how they need to answer them. Otherwise, the interview will feel inauthentic.

There are a few things the audience hates more than a subject that lacks authenticity. This will reflect on the business and its products and services. Your clients should be comfortable enough with the topic. They should understand the subject well.

Taking Up Just the Right Air Time

Your clients should not drone on and on about the topic. Taking up too much air time is a no-no. The journalist should have enough time to ask his questions. Train your clients when to stop talking, so they won’t annoy the interviewers. 

Lacking the Confidence

Your clients need to show the journalists that they are confident with the message they are delivering. That begins with their body posture. Poor sitting position can ruin an interview or press conference.

Too much gesturing is a no-no, too, because it distracts from the point that you are trying to make. If you think this is only important on television, you’re wrong. A person’s confidence can also be felt in his voice. Posture, even during a radio interview, is important because it can enhance one’s voice and confidence. 

The day before the interview, practice it with your clients. They should answer the practice questions using their own words. They shouldn’t feel and look mechanical. These are the things that you’re watching out for.