Something that a lot of people don’t realize about Lakeland public relations is that there is much more to it than press releases and coming up with new strategies for public relations. One of the core parts of PR is interviews since this is where the public will be able to watch and listen to you. Learning how to handle interviews is a core skill for your public relations strategy. 

You should be aware of the impact of an interview. A good interview significantly boosts a company’s public relations strategy and provide plenty of benefits for the company. On the other hand, a bad interview can be disastrous for your company’s public image.

With the importance of a good interview hanging over everyone’s heads, there may be times when you encounter an interview that may be just a little more difficult than the rest. Fortunately, the best way to deal with this is to simply be prepared. Find out more about what you can do to properly handle a difficult Lakeland public relations interview. 

Usually, before an interview, the interviewees are given a list of questions which they will be expected to answer during the interview. Either the public relations team or the interviewee will go over the questions and determine which ones will be appropriate for coverage during the interview. 

Once they have a list of approved questions, these are sent back to the interviewers, which will then be the final list of questions that will be asked during the interview. This is a good system for both parties involved since allows both sides to prepare for the interview and help direct the flow of the interview as a whole. 

Unfortunately, there will be times when the interviewer will make an on-the-spot decision to ask questions that were not approved beforehand, which can throw you for a loop when you deal with questions that you did not adequately prepare for. 

There is no clear cut way to deal with this, but one good way to handle situations like this is simply by keeping your cool and not showing them that it is affecting you negatively. If it is a completely unrelated topic, you can draw attention to it and tell them that it is not related to the topic at hand and direct the flow of the interview to safer topics. 

However, if the interviewer persists, you may have to take another tactic. Politely tell the interviewer that the company is currently looking into the issue and that you don’t have a response for that question just yet, or you don’t have the authority to discuss the topic at hand yet.