Not many people know that Lakeland public relations are not just concerned about promoting and advertising companies through different channels. The main goal of every PR agency is to convince media outfits that it is pertinent to their audience to know about the various offers of the company that the PR agency is promoting.

Lakeland public relations is less about advertising and more about persuasion and unpaid promotions. It is all about using the expertise of journalists to build trust with the audience and add value to the message they want to send.

Answer the 4Ws and 1H on your lead paragraph

Your lead paragraph should answer the 4Ws—when, when, where, why—and the 1H—how. It should tell all a journalist need to know about the event or the product you are promoting.

Most journalists don’t have the time to read through the whole copy so you need to make sure that all the important information are written on the first paragraph, which is probably the only part of the article they are going to read.

Use the inverted pyramid formula

The inverted pyramid formula works like this—all important information is on the top paragraph (the 4Ws and the 1H) and the details are in the body of the article.

The last paragraph should only include additional information about the product or the event. The removal of that paragraph should not change the overall tone of the article.

This always happens when the press release is published as it is in newspapers. Editors would cut the last paragraphs of the copy so it would fit the allotted space.

Deliver details in the body of the article

Your second paragraph should contain the most important details about the event or product. The third paragraph should have additional information about the subject and so on and so forth.

Every time you add another layer to your Lakeland public relations article, it should be less important than the previous paragraphs. The reason for this is your reader should grasp what the press release is all about by reading just a few paragraphs of the article.

Provide ways on how to reach you

Finally, it’s important that the journalist knows the various ways he/she can reach you if they need more information about the subject matter.

Include in the “signature area” of the article your contact information—your full name, office address, office telephone number, mobile number, and email address.